Wednesday, October 15, 2008

TV - A Waste of Time?

What's your opinion? Is TV a waste of time? I don't like to turn it on because I can get hooked into a storyline or a character easily and I just don't have time. I LOVE watching House, that testy genius doctor. I would say 'maverick' but John McCain and Sarah Palin have sullied that great word's meaning. When my nephews are watching TV or clamoring to watch TV and I speak to them three times before they hear me, I really wonder. As human beings, we interact with other human beings by our natures. What are we interacting with when we look at the television or play a Gameboy?

I notice attention spans are shortening with TV, cell phones, the Internet and all the other technology that makes it POSSIBLE to deliver expectations faster and faster. So here's my question - if something is possible, should that necessarily mean that action should be done? As we move faster and faster, what happens to our judgement? Bush didn't blink going into Iraq. Sarah Palin didn't blink accepting the GOP vice presidential nomination. At what cost?