Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Shall We Dance?

I went to Tavern on the Green for a networking event but there were many fewer people there than were advertised. The DJ and music were good, the lanterns were lit, the topiary King Kong towered next to the bar and the dance floor was empty. My feet were tapping, my head was bobbing in rhythm to the music and I wanted to dance but I was alone. My husband was still at work. Surreptitiously, I looked past the close-knit tables of people, the two men talking by the bar, for a single man with fingers drumming to the beat on the bar or head moving in time. YES! I walked over and asked, "Do you want to dance?" "ABsolutely!" Mitch answered. Neither of us cared how we looked (graceful or awkward, sweaty, yup!) so we were free to dance to the music and have fun...

Life is like that. Just having the courage to ask for what I want can turn a good day into a fabulous one... And, when I get lucky (or study the signs to stack the odds), often the other person is of the same mindset.

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