Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Feeling Dissed Lately?

Dis words like disempowered, disrespected, dismissed and disregarded go right along with mis words like misunderstood or misrepresented. So recently, I was feeling dissed at work and by my family and I had a lot of stories about what was happening and whose fault it was. Not mine, of course. I was being affected by other people’s actions and attitudes, real or perceived, and began seeing myself as a victim in the situation. After a while, that’s all I could see and that version of my reality got BIGGER and BIGGER and BIGGER. Nothing I could do about it because my ability to see clearly was impaired by the filters covering my senses.

Fortunately, I participate in Todd Falcone’s A Team which 100 individuals all about pressing ourselves beyond our limitations to grow our various network marketing businesses. So that very week, he recommended a book called The Oz Principle: Getting Results Through Accountability. I started to read about how in the U.S.A. especially the culture has developed an acceptance of victim rather than accountability mentality. We have one of the most litigitous societies among the industrialized nations. It was a Eureka moment for me as I realized THAT WAS ME! I had fallen into it without even noticing. The gift is that once I could see again, the scales just vanished and I became joyful, resourceful, helpful to others and open to opportunities again. But the circumstances had not changed an iota. I was the differentiating factor.

Where in your life are you feeling dissed or missed? Could it be you? How can you turn yourself around in an instant so, whatever the circumstances are, they become irrelevant?

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