Saturday, May 29, 2010

Success Is Not Just About the Cash

I went to an amazing seminar put on by the New York Entrepreneurs Business Network (NYEBN) in NYC about how to have our vendor table crowded with clamoring customers. Jessica of Shani Marketing gave specific tips about attraction marketing so I tried them out AND THEY WORK!!! Among other things, I made up a questionnaire about people’s lives asking specific questions to see if what my partner, Janet Cook, and I offer might help them accomplish specific health or wealth goals like having more natural energy, better nutrition, releasing toxins, restful sleep or extra income.

This questioning style worked well for me because I felt like Janet cared about what I wanted and was interested in helping me boost my energy in my second half century of life (as my brothers so kindly mentioned). As a welcome side effect, I have also let go of 14 pounds since March 20th. Wahoo! I really enjoy discovering who people are and celebrating what makes each one special. I am endlessly curious and remember small facts about people’s lives for ages. I share what is working for me as I would share a fantastic book or movie so I am unattached to the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and the relationship stays intact. As a result, people are joining our team and buying the products but it’s out of the caring not pushing a sale for cash. Doing what comes naturally…

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