Sunday, April 11, 2010

How Do You and the World Define You?

Are you defined by your job, your status or how much you earn? By the quality of your relationships? By your age or looks? By where you live or who you know? By your commitment to organic living or environmental sustainability? By your entrepreneurial or internet skills? By your level of education or what schools you attended? Historically, for men, they have been defined by job status and income. For women, it has usually been appearance and excellence at taking care of relationship connections.

What is it for you that, if you lost it, you might not know who you are anymore? And who is making these distinctions up? Is it you knowingly choosing or are you simply getting sucked into cultural assumptions and embracing them as your own?

For me, most recently, it was AGE. Next week, I turn 50 and, over the last 7-10 years, I have seen my energy dwindle, weight increase and mood become subdued. I said to myself, "Well, I'm getting older. It's only natural." In March, I noticed I had bought into an idea that I did not agree with - that I could expect continued deterioration of my physical body and spirits as I grow older. My energy level was no match for my busy life. I ran out of breath, panting harshly, after climbing the stairs or playing tag with kids. I worried about the stress on my heart, knees and ankles of that extra 40 pounds.

NO! I dug in my heels and catapulted into action with delicious, natural Isagenix products on March 20, weighing 169 lbs and measuring 367 inches overall. In the last 20 days, I have released 10 pounds (today at 159 pounds) and 18.75 inches. People are asking me what I am doing because the change is so evident in my shape and mood. I have reclaimed my joy and am gladly sharing my life-changing experience.

Last year, I was out of work for 9 months, like so many others nationwide, and watched my savings dwindle, gaining an intimate knowledge of how to set up payment plans and feeling shame about my inability to earn a living. How could this happen to me? But it did, despite my considerable skills. I got a terrific job in January which I love but I plan to match or exceed the amount of my salary with my Isagenix business income ( in 2010.

I vowed that I would never again be solely dependent on any company paycheck so I am building an alternate stream of income with Isagenix that I expect to exceed my paycheck within a year. Care to join me on this exciting journey to health and wealth?

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